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Table 3 Characteristics of ICU patients

From: Development of quality indicators for palliative care in intensive care units and pilot testing them via electronic medical record review


General ICU

Emergency ICU


Patient characteristics

n = 121

n = 141

n = 262

Age, mean (SD)

62.4 (± 16.4)

63.8 (± 18.6)

63.1 (± 17.6)

Sex, n (%)



43 (35.5%)

47 (33.3%)

90 (34.4%)


78 (64.5%)

94 (66.7%)

172 (65.6%)

Employment, n (%)



37 (30.6%)

42 (29.8%)

79 (30.2%)

Reason for ICU admission, n (%)



63 (52.1%)

48 (34.0%)

111 (42.4%)


58 (47.9%)

93 (66.0%)

151 (57.6%)

Primary ICU diagnosis, n (%)


 Acute heart failure

17 (14.0%)

3 (2.1%)

20 (%)

 Acute myocardial infarction or cardiogenic shock

16 (13.2%)

10 (7.1%)

26 (%)

 Aortic disease

36 (29.8%)

0 (0.0%)

36 (%)

 Pneumonia or respiratory failure

10 (8.3%)

23 (16.3%)

33 (%)

 Sepsis or septic shock

12 (9.9%)

14 (9.9%)

26 (%)

 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

2 (1.7%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (%)

 Organ transplant

10 (8.3%)

0 (0.0%)

10 (%)

 Stroke or Intracranial hemorrhage

5 (4.1%)

37 (26.2%)

42 (%)

 Traumatic injury or burns

1 (0.8%)

35 (24.8%)

36 (%)


12 (9.9%)

19 (13.5%)

31 (%)

Comorbidities, n (%)


 Congestive heart failure

8 (6.6%)

2 (1.4%)

10 (%)

 Chronic pulmonary disease

8 (6.6%)

7 (5.0%)

15 (%)

 Chronic renal replacement therapy

3 (2.5%)

4 (2.8%)

7 (%)

 Diabetes mellitus

22 (18.2%)

25 (17.7%)

47 (%)

 Liver disease

5 (4.1%)

4 (2.8%)

9 (%)

 Metastatic cancer

6 (5.0%)

2 (1.4%)

8 (%)

 Other cancer

23 (19.0%)

14 (9.9%)

37 (%)

 Neuromuscular disease or epilepsy

6 (5.0%)

8 (5.7%)

14 (%)


1 (0.8%)

7 (5.0%)

8 (%)

Ventilator therapy performed, n (%)

94 (77.7%)

70 (49.6%)

164 (62.6%)

Duration of ventilator therapy > 48 h, n (%)

82 (67.8%)

60 (42.6%)

142 (54.2%)

Acute physiology and chronic health Evaluation II score, mean (SD)

18.3 (± 5.9)

16.1 (± 7.2)

17.1 (± 6.7)

ICU length of stay, day (median, IQR)

7.6 (5.0–14.0)

7.1 (4.0–14.7)

7.1 (4.6–14.3)

Hospital length of stay, day (median, IQR)

38.6 (25.5–65.7)

20.7 (9.0–36.6)

27.8 (14.9–48.4)

Vital status at ICU discharge, n (%)



102 (84.3%)

118 (83.7%)

220 (84.0%)


19 (15.7%)

23 (16.3%)

42 (16.0%)

Vital status at hospital discharge, n (%)



94 (77.7%)

114 (80.9%)

208 (79.4%)


27 (22.3%)

27 (19.1%)

54 (20.6%)

  1. ICU: intensive care unit; SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range