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Fig. 1 | Journal of Intensive Care

Fig. 1

From: Visualizing the dynamic mechanical power and time burden of mechanical ventilation patients: an analysis of the MIMIC-IV database

Fig. 1

Diagram of the data visualization method. A The dynamic mechanical power was calculated for each continuous time interval. An event (E) was defined when the dynamic mechanical power exceeded a specific threshold (e.g., 10 in the upper left and 15 in the lower left), as indicated by the red boxes. Kindly note that the two examples illustrate the same variation of dynamic mechanical power over the same period of time (for illustrative purposes only, not the entire mechanical ventilation process). However, the calculated number of events was different due to the use of different thresholds. This counting process was performed for each patient at every combination of time (ranging from 1 to 72 h) and dynamic mechanical power (ranging from 5 to 30 J/min) levels. The counts were recorded in the sheet displayed on the right. B The average event count per survivor/non-survivor, odds ratio, and deviation of odds ratio from the overall population were calculated. Please refer to the text for a detailed explanation. C The relationship between different time-intensity combinations and mortality was visualized using a heatmap, illustrating the deviations in odds ratio

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