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Table 2 Outcomes and severity indicators

From: Prognostic accuracy of SOFA, qSOFA and SIRS criteria in hematological cancer patients: a retrospective multicenter study


Total cohort (n = 450)

Patients with sepsis (n = 180)

Patients without sepsis (n = 270)

p value

Severity Indicators

 Microbes detecteda

202 (45.5)

112 (62.9)

90 (33.8)

< 0.001

 Acute kidney failurec

82 (22.2)

46 (31.5)

36 (16.1)

< 0.001

 Tumor lysis syndromec

6 (1.6)

3 (2.1)

3 (1.4)


 Graft-versus-host diseasec

20 (5.4)

7 (4.9)

13 (5.8)


 Glasgow Coma Scaled, mean (SD)

14.0 (2.9)

13.3 (3.6)

14.4 (2.2)

< 0.001


 Overall in-hospital mortality

109 (24.3)

71 (39.7)

38 (14.1)

< 0.001

 ICU mortality

80 (44.4)

52 (51.5)

28 (35.0)


 Length of staye, median days (IQR)

26 (16–41)

28 (15–44)

25.5 (17–40)


 Transfer from regular ward to ICUe

49 (18.3)

27 (34.2)

22 (11.6)


Sepsis scoresf

 SIRS ≥ 2

351 (80.1), n = 438

150 (85.7), n = 175

201 (76.4), n = 263


 SOFA ≥ 2

173 (42.2), n = 410

112 (64.0), n = 175

61 (26.0), n = 235

< 0.001

 qSOFA ≥ 2

90 (22.0), n = 410

68 (41.5), n = 164

22 (8.9), n = 246

< 0.001

 Septic shock

20 (4.5), n = 441

20 (11.7), n = 171

< 0.001

  SIRS < 2

3 (15.0)

3 (15.0)


  SOFA < 2

2 (10.0)

2 (10.0)


  qSOFA < 2

4 (20.0)

4 (20.0)


ICU (n = 181)

 Severity and septic shock indicators

  APACHE IId, mean (SD)

22.3 (8.0)

24.1 (8.0)

20 (7.5)

< 0.001

  Hypotension (MAP < 65 mmHg)a

46 (25.8)

33 (33.3)

13 (16.5)

< 0.001

  Use of vasopressorsa

97 (54.2)

65 (65.6)

32 (40.0)

< 0.001

  Lactate > 2 mmol/Lb

78 (47.0)

46 (48.9)

32 (44.4)


  1. Data are presented as absolute number (%), unless otherwise indicated
  2. p value between the respective variable and sepsis with a significance level of p value < 0.05, significant differences are shown in italics
  3. APACHE II Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation II, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, MAP mean arterial pressure, SD standard deviation, SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SOFA sequential (sepsis-related) organ failure assessment, qSOFA quick SOFA
  4. aAt least 98% of the cohort contributed to the presented data
  5. bAt least 90% of the cohort contributed to the presented data
  6. cAt least 80% of the cohort contributed to the presented data
  7. dAt least 95% of the cohort contributed to the presented data
  8. eAt least 99% of the cohort contributed to the presented data
  9. fFor SIRS 97%, for SOFA and qSOFA 91%, and for septic shock 98% of the cohort contributed to the presented data