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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics according to severe burn patient volume (multiple imputed cohort)

From: Volume-outcome relationship on survival and cost benefits in severe burn injury: a retrospective analysis of a Japanese nationwide administrative database


Annual severe burn patients ≤ 5

Annual severe burn patients > 5

Number of hospitals, n



Number of patients, n



Transferred from another hospital, n (%)

999 (27.4)

539 (33.6)

Year of injury


1722 (47.2)

756 (47.2)


1926 (52.8)

846 (52.8)

Age, years, median [IQR]

67 [44, 80]

64 [43, 79]

Female sex, n (%)

1514 (41.5)

625 (39.0)

Charlson comorbidity index, median [IQR]

0 [0, 1]

0 [0, 0]

Levels of consciousness, alert, n (%)

2459 (67.4)

913 (57.0)

Burn index, median [IQR]

15 [10.5, 24.7]

20 [12.5, 35]

Prognostic burn index, median [IQR]

86 [64, 99.5]

90 [68, 106]

Inhalation injury, n (%)

560 (15.4)

331 (20.7)

Interventions performed within 2 days of admission

 Intensive care unit, n (%)

2033 (55.7)

1367 (85.3)

 Mechanical ventilation, n (%)

1011 (27.7)

752 (46.9)

 Escharotomy, n (%)

241 (6.6)

241 (15.0)

 Vasopressor, n (%)

532 (14.6)

342 (21.3)

 Haptoglobin, n (%)

267 (7.3)

277 (17.3)

 RBC transfusion, n (%)

202 (5.5)

130 (8.1)

Skin transplant during hospitalization, n (%)

1583 (43.4)

909 (56.7)

 Artificial graft use, n (%)

314 (8.6)

292 (18.2)

 Cultured graft use, n (%)

108 (3.0)

136 (8.5)

Hospital characteristics

 A government-approved advanced hospital, n (%)

848 (23.2)

732 (45.7)

 Number of ICU bed, median [IQR]

3.7 [0, 6.4]

4.9 [3.5, 9.5]

 Proportion of transferred patients of a treating hospital, median [IQR]

24.0 [10.5, 39.3]

32.1 [17.2, 46.9]

  1. IQR interquartile range, RBC red blood cell, ICU intensive care unit